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Customer Assistance Programs
Challenge: Provide support for the utility's program for customers facing temporary and long-term financial difficulties. It was a highly visible and politically scrutinized program that required year-round support.
Strategy: Active engagement with the program through monthly meetings, status updates, and weekly activities. Support was provided through the update and printing of education and outreach materials, and through annual event coordination of the Community Connections Resource Fair, which has served thousands of low-income community members, and the Affordable Energy Policy Summit, which provides a forum for engaging with local community partners who work directly with customers in need.
With a total spend of $37, the social media campaign for 2017's Affordable Energy Policy Summit resulted in:
Facebook --- a reach of 11,071, 1,763 video views, and 212 likes and shares
Twitter -- 15,625 impressions, 1,199 media views, and 172 total engagements
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